Pathways to Registration
Find out how to become professionally Registered based on your skills and career plans.
Food safety officers ensure that our food is safe to eat and labelled and handled properly. They provide assurance along the food chain from farm to fork.
Local authorities are responsible for enforcing food law and their officers can inspect businesses at any point in the food production and distribution process. Many businesses also employ food safety experts to ensure that they are complying with the law and operating at a high standard.
The Food Law Codes of Practice set out the qualification and competency requirements for local authority officers responsible for enforcing food law across the UK.
Working in food safety requires a combination of knowledge and practical skills. Our food qualifications will help you to gain everything you need to work as a food safety officer. They are recognised by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) as suitable qualifications to deliver food official controls and will also enable you to become a Registered Food Safety Practitioner.
Registered Food Safety Practitioners are accredited by CIEH and have passed a rigorous assessment of their skills and competence. In addition to being listed on a formal register, they can also use a digital credential to formally demonstrate and verify their professional status.
You will need to complete either the Higher Certificate in Food Control (HCFC) or the Advanced Professional Certificate in Food Hygiene and Standards Control (APC-Food). The assessment for both the HCFC and APC-Food are the Competency Development Portfolio and Professional Discussion. Candidates who are completing the logbook version, please see Higher Certificate Logbook and Interview below.
To gain the certificate you will need to:
To gain this certificate you will need to:
The Competency Development Portfolio (CDP) is your opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge and skills you have gained on your accredited course in practice in a workplace setting.
The CDP consists of three case studies, two investigation reports and two short narratives, undertaken over a six-month period.
While completing your CDP you will need to be supported by a workplace supervisor assigned by your employer.
The CDP will be signed off by your employer and then submitted to CIEH for review. At your Professional Discussion, you will be asked to give a 15-minute presentation based on your CDP. This presentation should be submitted to CIEH in advance once you have been given your Professional Discussion date. Normally you will need to provide your presentation no later than 2 weeks before the session date you wish to attend.
The registration fee for the CDP is £695 during 2025. This also includes the cost of the Professional Discussion and certification.
You can submit your completed CDP six months after enrolment, if you wish to attend a particular Professional Discussion session, please note the dates and the corresponding deadlines:
Professional Discussion Deadline for applications and Portfolios | Professional Discussion dates |
14 January 2025 | 18-20 February 2025 |
29 April 2025 | 3-5 June 2025 |
23 September 2025 | 28-30 October 2025 |
The CDP must be complete and signed off by your employer before you apply for the Professional Discussion assessment. After you have applied for the Professional Discussion, CIEH will provide details of how to upload your CDP for review. Once the CDP has been reviewed and is considered satisfactory, CIEH will confirm your attendance for the Professional Discussion. It may take up to four weeks for your portfolio to be reviewed.
The Professional Discussion (PD) is a face-to-face oral assessment (which could be conducted by video conference) about your Competency Development Portfolio and related issues.
Successful candidates will be awarded the Higher Certificate in Food Control or Advanced Professional Certificate in Food Hygiene and Standards Control as appropriate. Holders of these certificates may be authorised by their employers to deliver official controls subject to a competency assessment. We will keep a Register of Practitioners who qualify via these routes.
NB: Candidates completing the Higher Certificate Logbook who wish to sit the Professional Interview for the Higher Certificate in Food Premises Inspection or Higher Certificate in Food Control should contact [email protected].
Candidates who wish to register or submit the logbook for either the Higher Certificate in Food Control or Higher Certificate in Food Premises Inspection should contact us. This also applies for people who are pursuing the logbook route who wish to sit their professional interview.
Please be advised that this Professional Interview is for those who have undertaken and passed the CIEH Higher Certificate Logbook.
Candidates are required to be members of CIEH. Non-members can join CIEH here.
This assessment is not for those undertaking the CDP and Professional Discussion.
Higher Interview Deadline | Higher Interview Session |
29 May 2025 | 3-4 July 2025 |
See our UK centres that offer our accredited courses in food safety and control.
More information for existing candidates, employers and people interested in becoming food safety officers is in our FAQ document.
Pathways to Registration
Find out how to become professionally Registered based on your skills and career plans.