Direct emissions controlled by 15Hatfields
As part of our ongoing work towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals, we’ve joined forces with leading sustainability consultants, Greengage Solutions, to help develop a tool to calculate carbon emissions at events. As the first venue to achieve Greengage's ECOsmart Platinum certification in 2021, we are proud to collaborate with them as this new tool is developed to bring you the data to support your sustainability efforts.
We’re delighted to be able to offer you a complimentary report whenever you host an event or meeting at 15Hatfields. Your post-event report will include a breakdown of carbon emissions in five key areas, as well as an estimated total saving for hosting at a venue certified for its 'outstanding approach' to sustainability. Reach out to our team today on 020 7123 8434 to discuss carbon reporting at your next event.
Your report will display a breakdown of emissions in kgCO2e (kilogrammes of carbon dioxide equivalent) across five key areas of impact:
Carbon emissions in these five areas are estimated using official government-approved factors. Considerations that feed into your breakdown include whether delegates tucked into a vegan hot lunch, or an 80% veggie/vegan buffet. We also consider event duration and your selected rooms and breakout spaces. We even weigh any leftover food at the end of your event.
But the environmental impact of your event boils down to more than the choices made by you and your delegates. By hosting at an ECOsmart Platinum venue, you can rest assured we’re putting in the work to further reduce emissions. Our Platinum certification requires us to have sustainability measures in place that go above and beyond what can be reflected using government-approved emissions factors alone.
That’s why your report will include Your saving in kg CO2e. This is a total saving encompassing the five key impact areas. Your saving is estimated based on Platinum venue initiatives including:
Scope 3 emissions are typically the most challenging to track because they occur outside of an organisation’s control. Never shy of a challenge, we’re committed to working with our suppliers to build a picture of emissions across all areas of hosting an event.
We’re on a journey with our supply chain and where our partners are able to provide emissions data this is incorporated into our reporting. Otherwise, we adhere to the industry standard of reporting using government-approved factors to estimate event emissions.
At 15Hatfields sustainability isn’t about a single achievement or accolade – we see our carbon neutral status as something to be maintained like a garden. That’s why we’ve committed to annually reporting on our carbon emissions as a venue. Our annual carbon footprint report informs our carbon commitments for the road ahead, as we strive to become a carbon negative venue.
In our carbon footprint report, you can find further detail about Scope 3 emissions including waste. You’ll be pleased to hear our venue is single-use plastic free and we have been achieving zero to landfill since 2008.
If you’re on the road to calculating delegate travel emissions, we recommend that you request and capture journey details at the time of registration. You can then calculate the carbon footprint of delegate journeys using a free tool such as Deloitte’s travel emissions calculator.
By hosting with us as the carbon calculator tool is developed, you are part of a movement to improve the data available for tracking emissions at events. You’ll be supported by a team recognised for setting the standard in sustainability, backed by industry accreditations and awards for environmental excellence.
To find out more about how to deliver a sustainable event, contact the 15Hatfields team on 020 7123 8434. You can stay in the loop by signing up to our newsletter for the latest news, event inspiration, and exclusive offers.