We value our members and believe that they, like everyone, have the right to be happy, healthy and safe. That’s why, in 1937, we created the CIEH Welfare Fund, and we’ve been helping our members and their dependents in times of need ever since.

Whether it’s support in your twilight years, or help with unexpected costs at a time of crisis, each application for funding is individually considered based on all the information provided.

A support network

The fund is supported by the generosity of our members. You can donate to the fund at any time by cheque.

For more information, please see our FAQs and testimonials below.

Fund governance

As a charity in its own right, the Welfare Fund is managed by a Board of Trustees (the members of which are the CIEH trustees). Day-to-day management of the Fund is delegated to an independent committee (appointed in the same way as CIEH's other governance committees and advisory groups).

You can find details of the Fund's governance in our Operational Procedures.

Members of the Committee are:

Sam Bacon Steve Cooper
Sarah Johns Fiona MacLeod

There are two vacancies on the Committee, applications for which closed on 14 February 2025.

If you have any questions about the fund, please use this contact form.

Who can apply for support?

The fund is for the benefit of our members and/or their dependants.

Do I need to be a full member to apply?

No, any member can apply.

Does the member have to apply in person?

Not necessarily and this isn't always possible.

Is there a maximum or minimum amount that can be requested?

There is no maximum or minimum. All cases are considered individually once the welfare fund board have all the information.

How long does it take to get a decision?

Once we have all the details, the Board will discuss the claim by e-mail and come to a decision, which will then be relayed to the claimant. Any support agreed will then be put into place immediately.

Does the fund only provide money?

Most of the time, but not always (see examples below).

Does the money have to be repaid?


Can the fund lend money?

Not at the moment, as we would need a Credit Licence. However, if we receive enough requests for loans, then we may apply for one in future.

Who will know about my application?

The process is completely confidential. Even the Fund Trustees usually only know the claimant by their initials.

How can I find out more about how the fund is run?

Please see our Welfare Fund Operational Procedures.

The fund is there for many different situations. Here are just a few examples of members that have been assisted by the fund:

  • The wife of a student member who died just before he qualified was just managing to keep her head above water on benefits. But their three young children had never had a holiday. The fund offered to pay for a trip of their choice for the young family, and they finally settled on a fun-packed week in Butlins. It also now pays a small annual bursary to the children just before Christmas.
  • A member with young children almost lost their house when the spouse died, leaving behind massive debts. The fund could not repay the debts but paid for specialist legal advice which reduced the debt to a more manageable level and saved the family home.
  • A member diagnosed with cancer wanted to be sure of funds to bridge a gap of a small period of time should they run out of sick pay before they died. The funding was agreed in principle, alleviating that worry. Thankfully, the member made a full recovery.