The Board of Trustees is supported in its work by two committees and one advisory group:

  • Supports the Board by helping to review and formulate strategies for membership and the wider profession.
  • Recommends policies for member recruitment, engagement, retention and services.
  • Recommends changes that might be needed to the Code of Ethics and Fitness to Practise Rules.
  • Advises the Board on membership grades, fee structures and entry criteria.
  • Advises the Board on the academic integrity of CIEH learning, including new and changed qualifications.
  • Assists CIEH in building strong and positive relationships with the HE and FE community.


Robert Easton Jonathan Hayes Zena Lynch (Chair)
Natalie Pearce Lindsay Shaw Lamin Tamba

There are two vacancies on the Group, applications for which closed on 14 February 2025.

  • Identifies key risks in CIEH's operation and supports management of those risks.
  • Ensures appropriate accounting and financial policies and controls are in place.
  • Receives reports from external auditors and advisors, ensuring that control processes are co-ordinated and effective.


Carol Healy (Chair) Michael Jackson Andrew Lawson
Saravana Namasivayam Matt Twaite
  • Recommends appointments to the Board, its committees and advisory groups.
  • Reviews the composition of the Board and identifies any skills gaps.
  • Recommends the framework policy for the remuneration of the Chief Executive.
  • Reviews any significant proposed changes in employment policy and benefits for CIEH staff.


Nick Chapman James Howe (Chair) Maria Jennings
Tricia Lobo Helen Waters

  • Reviews the financial operating model of CIEH to ensure financial viability.
  • Reviews business plans, budgets and financial performance, making recommendations to the Board.
  • Approves, within limits set, significant business cases
  • Reviews the CIEH investment strategy and recommend the appointment of appropriate consultants or managers.


Penny Dawson Malone Sue Leppington Joanne Quirk (Chair)
Kevin Shawcross Kevin Tilling